How To Connect


To connect to our test server, please follow these steps:

1. We create an account on this website ( - it will be used to log in to the page and on the server.

2. Download Game Client Torrent - link in the Download Section;

3. Download UTorrent Web Installer and install it - link in the Download Section;

4. Open the downloaded Game Client Torrent using UTorrent Web. The download of the entire game from the network will start;

5. After downloading copy all game files to any selected empty folder on your computer;

6. From the Download Section of our site, grab the service.ini file and put it into the game folder (overwrite the file with the same name there);

7. From the Download Dection of our site, grab the english localisation file and put it into the game folder/ads subfolder (overwrite the file with the same name there);

8. Edit the launcher.bat file in the game directory and in the "SET account=" field enter the email address indicated when creating the account on our website (not website Username!) and in the field "SET password=" password used to register the account. Correctly edited fields should look like this:

SET account=yourmailadress

SET password=yourpassword

Save changes made to this file

9. Run the launcher.bat file. After connecting choose the name for your family (the first time you log in) and on the server list - the server Magoria 1.

10. We create the character and we can proceed to the tests.

WARNING! Our server is still in progress, which means that some of the mechanics may not work yet. Please remember this and report any errors - preferably on our forum.